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DeanO | 18 years ago | 5 comments | 8 likes | 8.6K views

Vung Doan, jacmelien, rsp and 5 others like this!

I often use Bluff Titler to create "easy on the eye" backgrounds for animated DVD menus or to jazz up some 2D titles.

They appear slightly dull on there own, so add some titles, pictures and music and away you go!


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Great job DeanO

Can you may send me some other motion background project files you made ?


erikger, 18 years ago

Getting an error msg, absolute path for a file called "spark.bmp", which is not in the standard set. Any ideas where this file comes from?

Thomasco, 18 years ago

Very nice. Can these seamlessly loop? Darryl

DGrob, 18 years ago

The trick to make the plasma layer looping is to adjust the speed of the plasma effect to the duration of the show. The formula is:


For example a show duration of 10 seconds and a plasma speed of 0.1 loops seamlessly. Other examples are:

5 seconds, 0.2
4 seconds, 0.25
2 seconds, 0.5

You can set the show duration with the menu item FILE / SET SHOW DURATION. You can set the plasma speed with the SPEED property of the plasma layer.

Don't forget to mark the LOOPING checkbox in the FILE / SAVE AS MOVIE dialog. When this checkbox is marked the last frame isn't exported. You don't want this because in a looping animation the last frame is the first frame of the next loop.

michiel, 18 years ago

Erik, I have a couple more I will upload.

Thomasco, apologies not sure where I got the Sparkle from (may have been one of my own) but you can find sparkles and whole lot more in the "" from Media Blitzed.

I believe the Circles should loop 50 x 0.02 = 1 the plasma will not but can easily be adjusted.

I find the slower speeds suit my needs better but if looping is required the resulting AVI files can be quite large, so I use the freely downloadable "The Alparysoft Lossless Video Codec" to reduce the size before importing into my NLE. Find the link below.


DeanO, 18 years ago

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