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DeanO | 19 years ago | 4 comments | 11 likes | 7.3K views

michiel, 2ids, hgta and 2 others like this!

A special effect I made for an introduction to a birthday video a while ago.

With careful planning this can be overlaid in any multi layered Editing software (I use Avid Liquid) and by changing the hue, resizing and position to give an instant firework show.


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This screenshot looks terrible, but the animation itself is truly marvellous. I'm having great fun playing around with the particle size and particle colour properties. Well done!

michiel, 19 years ago

I know, I tried a few screen shots, but none adequately captured the animation.


DeanO, 19 years ago

The fireworks only plays once. And when I activate the loop the fireworks always appears at the same position and the sound plays only once. Therefore I like the fireworks by Ernst more.
But I have to say, the particle-effect here in this one is much more realistic!

lampion, 19 years ago

Hi Lampion,

Yes it is limited, and I spent a while getting the particles to look near realistic, but this was an effect I created to further be processed in an advanced NLE (ie: multiple video channels, I used Avid Liquid) the process for exporting is as follows....

resize and position the animation so no particles leave the display window (stops obvious "squaring" of the animation), remove the back ground and render as Uncompressed with Alpha channels and import into an NLE of your choice that supports multiple video channels, and overlay multiple animations, resize, change the hue and zoom in on the odd one as it "erupts" then you have a reasonably believable fireworks display.


DeanO, 19 years ago

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