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Per | 15 years ago | 3 comments | 2.9K views

I'd like to complain that you have removed effects from the installer.

Please consider either including everything. Or having a separated download which include its all, so people don't have to hunt all over the the galleries to see what is possible.

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Do you mean that you really used some of the removed effects? That is truly amazing!!! We never used any of them and we could not imagine anyone doing anything useful with them.... but maybe we're not that clever and creative as you are. I believe I have said it earlier in this gallery: I'd love to see some examples of your work.

michiel, 15 years ago

Please note that we have listed all removed and changed features, including the removed FXs, in the program history section on the download page.

You could have used that information to make a copy of the FX files before upgrading. Another option would have been not to uninstall the old version before installing the new one.

As said in the the program history section, all FX files can be found in this gallery. If you have problems finding one I'd be happy to point you to it. Maybe you have noticed that I've just uploaded all fractal effects.

michiel, 15 years ago

No, I mean when I need an effect I would prefer to be able to see the possibilities by looking in the folder, instead of having to browse around on the website.

(I haven't updated yet, so there is time to make a copy, which i do anyway, since i'm somewhat weary of your updater)

"but maybe we're not that clever and creative as you are"

Sounds condescending.

"I'd love to see some examples of your work."

You can't.

Per, 15 years ago

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