NextPreviousHomeSystem coordinates (F2) doesn't appear on a sphere

Jeep35 | 8 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 1.3K views

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Trying multiple views with the system coordinates cross (F2), I found that it doesn't appear when on an image layer transformed in sphere. It appears on tores, cubes, cylinders, ... but is invisible on a sphere.
When viewing in wire mode we can see it inside the sphere but its branches have the length of the radius of the sphere !!!

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Hello Jeep35.....just play around " Bounds" slider.. you will see the F2 option, when picture in sphere.
when we select sphere option ,we can't see the F2 option, but when we move "Bounds" slider F2 appears . May be Michiel have another answer Thank you.


Dani, 8 years ago

Thank you Dani
The fact is that the F2 option appears without any move of any parameters for all other volumes (cubes, cylinders, tores). It's only in the sphere that it's invisible. It should be more efficient of not having to add parameters to see the coordinates.
Thank you again for your reply

Jeep35, 8 years ago

The arrows are invisible because they are inside the sphere: the sphere is too big.

Interesting issue, I never realised this!

As a workaround, you can make them visible by temporarily switching to wireframe mode: click in the render window and press TAB.

michiel, 8 years ago

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