Mike Shaw | 8 years ago | 13 comments | 1 like | 2.9K views
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I want to create (animated) 3d lettering with the appearance of 'rock' - as though it had been carved from rock. I've been playing around with different textures, but that doesn't seem to cut it for me - they all look smooth and as though they've been covered in wallpaper.. Any suggestions would be very welcome!! Thanks!
Have you tried the displacementmap?
Follow the link below.
You can find textures with diffuse (as colourmap) and normalmaps, bumpmaps and diplacementmaps (as displacementmap) on sites like these:
komies, 8 years ago
Normalmapping is easier to use and has lower system requirements.
Creating textures is not easy, but there are good tools that can help. My favorite texture tool is Filter Forge. Here's a rock template:
michiel, 8 years ago
I have use the AdvancedMaterials\ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This combines colourmapping with normalmapping.
The effect can also use a cubemap, but I did not use cubemapping in this example.
Here's the screenshot of the MEDIA > CHANGE EFFECT dialog of BluffTitler:
michiel, 8 years ago
And here's how the Filter Forge Photoshop plugin looks like.
Filter Forge calls a colourmap a "Diffuse Map", so what you need is:
-the Diffuse Map
-the Normal Map
michiel, 8 years ago
Thanks Michiel - downloading all that stuff and will get onto it - looks exactly what I wanted. (Sorry for the delay in responding - my internet has been down most of today ! )
Mike Shaw, 8 years ago
Yep - that's the type of lettering I'd like to do - was that done the way Michiel has suggested? (Been so busy here, not had a chance to get stuck into it yet - won't be able to now until the end of next week ... but this all looks very promising! Thanks!))
Mike Shaw, 8 years ago
Mike you van download the file and see for yourself.
Filip, 8 years ago
D'oh! Sorry - I had rather stupidly missed that link, I was so intrigued by the animation! Many thanks indeed Filip - much appreciated! Yes - now downloaded and I'll be definitely using it as the basis for my own titling needs. I'm very grateful you should take the time and trouble on my behalf to do this.
Mike Shaw, 8 years ago
Mike like Bluff, like to share, like to help and like to learn.
Hope to see your work in the community.
Filip, 8 years ago
Mike you can use this picture as displacement map.
This makes it more rocky
Filip, 8 years ago
Thanks! Yes - I'll do that! Now got tied up till mid-week editing our (video) Club's Newsletter, but I'm looking forward to getting stuck into these titles - they're for a 3-4 minute promo, so, great fun ahead!
Many thanks again Filip
Mike Shaw, 8 years ago