Mike Shaw | 8 years ago | 5 comments | 1.5K views
Since downloading the latest version - - when I select 'New' or press CTRL N for a new title I get the message ' Could not open "New" '
I have tried various things - creating a blank title called New and so on, and searched for a 'New' amongst the available titles - none of which works. CTRL N brings up the 'Could not open' message every time. Other effects open without a problem.
Has anyone a solution - or a workaround -please ?
Many thanks!!
Mike Shaw
Maybe you have entered a non-existing path in the DEFAULT SHOW field of the SETTINGS > OPTIONS dialog.
michiel, 8 years ago
Thanks Michiel. That seems to have solved it - I think! The Options dialog box is a wee bit small and I can only just see the left edge of buttons at the Right end of the selection box lines. The selection boxes were empty for the first three lines (Homepage, default show and Language). Clicking on the top two buttons didn't seem to do anything, so I entered the address ...C\ ....Media\Shows\starter.bt in the 'Default Show box ... and as long as I don't click on the button at the end, it seems to stick (it clears the box if I click on the button). The third line, when clicking on the button I get a language selection choice, which is OK. Top line I guess should be the BT web address - but I haven't manually entered anything for that yet. I will do when I can sort it out!
BTW - Clicking on 'Reset All' - which I thought would put the 'Default Locations' back - simply clears the top three boxes altogether.
Mike Shaw, 8 years ago
That's strange.
What is your desktop resolution?
Can you post a screenshot of the options dialog?
michiel, 8 years ago
I think I set the resolution to 110 or 125 % - I'll check... Meanwhile here is a screen dump.
Mike Shaw, 8 years ago
Clearly, the dialog is too small. I'm clueless why. This is how it should look like.
The desktop resolution is ok because there's space enough.
And if you use a bigger font size, Windows should make the dialog bigger automatically.
Maybe Windows gets confused with the tabs.
We'll try to reproduce the issue. Thank you for the report!
michiel, 8 years ago