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Miguel Ramirez M | 9 years ago | 2 comments | 2.0K views

Michel hello thank you for the contributions you give us all users BluffTitler
for my modesty review would be able to create tools to extend the texts, round, and estirarar corners of texts or objects as having photoshop and corel draw
Thanks atte Miguel

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Thank you for your request. Yes it would be cool to create a simple logo design tool!

For now, best way would be to design your logo in Photoshop or Corel Draw and export it as EPS for use in the EPS Layer or as PNG for use in the Traced picture layer:

michiel, 9 years ago

thanks for the reply friend Michell hope that as soon as possible
Tool believe I asked
to make them into bluftitler that would be spectacular and no longer be using other programs because when we photoshop or corel to eps for BluffTitler at some times we get very rough edges so I ask of heart to create a herrameinta but for blufftiler and that many users like me to be grateful blufftiler
atte: Miguel

Miguel Ramirez M, 9 years ago

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