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Dick | 15 years ago | 6 comments | 3.3K views

I would like to know how I could have several words in a straight line (normal text) and then have the characters to randomly tumble down off screen.
(Sorry if this shows up twice --- I thought I submitted it earlier, but can't find it now!)

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You can do that with the JUMBLE property of the text layer:

The 1st slider randomly translates each character
The 2nd slider randomly rotates each character
The 3th slider controls the random seed

You probably only want to animate the 1st and 2nd sliders of this property or else the characters will move too chaotically.

And note that you can use the textbox next to the slider to enter values outside the range on the slider.

michiel, 15 years ago

I left out one important phase, "one at a time." I would like the characters to tumble, one at a time, down off screen. With jumble all the characters fall. Also I couldn't get them to look like they were tumbling toward the viewer. Thanks for your response ... this is a awesome product.

Dick, 15 years ago

You can make the characters tumble one at a time by using the FLEXIBILITY property.

And you can make them tumble towards the camera by animating the POSITION property.

Maybe this show can get you started:

michiel, 15 years ago

I would like to keep the background, put in text then fade text and show new text, is it possible ?


Lawrie, 15 years ago

You might take a look at the threads "appearing & disappearing text" posted on 9/5 and 9/11.

Dick, 15 years ago

The articles are 974 and 982

Dick, 15 years ago

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