NextPreviousHomeBackground with a new show

Jeep35 | 9 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 1.4K views

vincent likes this!

While creating a new show, the background is now made with a blue plasma layer instead of a black background. Then we must delete this layer each time we create a show.

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Agree with you, i guess it's to see the black material...that could be set in the default textures tab in settings options.

vincent, 9 years ago

I knew you would like it :) Maybe we can add a default show option to the OPTIONS dialog.

This is what I do after clicking on the NEW SHOW button:
-select the plasma layer with the dropdown above the PLAY button

But if you want, you can also click twice on the DELETE ACTIVE LAYER button.

michiel, 9 years ago

Define a default show is the supersolution because we can select our layers + show resolution and duration

vincent, 9 years ago

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