2ids | 9 years ago | 22 comments | 3.2K views
hi out there
since i bought v12 latest version i detect that many preview icons in the browsermode are missing...even in the fx,shows and all areas that can have a preview-pic form the preset/show....how can i repair /correct it?
many thanks and go on :-)))
Best wishes
please see examplepic :-)
All the shows that come with the latest installer have thumbnails.
The ones without a thumbnail must be old ones that were already present on your harddisk and created in a version older than
Adding a thumbnail to those old shows is easy:
-open the show by choosing FILE > OPEN SHOW...
-save the show by choosing FILE > SAVE SHOW
michiel, 9 years ago
Hi michiel
Does something has changed in new version. Because i cant solve the problem as you mentioned
erikger, 7 years ago
Hi Selina
Thank you for trying to help me.
I did it your way, but still no thumbnails. Don´t know whats wrong
erikger, 7 years ago
i am saving them to the same folder. even tried save as but it does not work.
also there are no files in my user document bt dirtectory
maybe i should restart my pc.
erikger, 7 years ago
Hi Selina,
thank you for your help
The saving into the "Documents\BluffTitler\Shows" directory worked. Only have to export the png files in the original directory.
Again thank you so much for your fast help
erikger, 7 years ago
The previews did not appear after I installed a new version of Blufftitler.
Yes, if I open a show and then save it, the preview is restored. But am I expected to do that for EVERY show? That will take hours!
colony14, 6 years ago
Hey Colony14,
It may be worth getting into the habit of saving the main files you create in a directory outside BT complete with textures etc. As it saves the files with a thumb image, these are unlikely to get stripped by an uninstall if the core directories are removed/replaced for any reason.
I didn't have the same issue, I can only think perhaps as my files were not in the usual directories? I am sure Michiel or one of the BT community may be able to shed some light on any other possibilities.
Pixelpanther, 6 years ago
They are not files/shows I created. They are the standard shows that come with the Blufftitler product.
colony14, 6 years ago
Hmmm strange one, I had this happen with a previous update but seemingly not with 13/14 that I have noticed (which is when I changed my habit of storing things outside default directories).
Sorry I can't be of further help. Hopefully someone else knows the answer for you.
Pixelpanther, 6 years ago
I guess I could try uninstalling and deleting every related file I can find, and then reinstalling.
colony14, 6 years ago
Those are shows that came with an old version that did not yet know anything about thumbnails.
Of course, all templates that come with the latest installer have thumbnails.
For those old shows, thumbnails can be created by opening and saving them.
michiel, 6 years ago
Same problem. No thumbnails. Very difficult and time consuming to open every bt show to know what it's. Also no apps/personal option in browser.
Now, on BT 14. But still no thumbnails
Opened and saved as suggested. Still no thumbnail
shoon, 6 years ago
That's strange.
Maybe you have marked the USE STANDARD WINDOWS FILE DIALOG checkbox in the SETTINGS > OPTIONS... dialog.
When you unmark this checkbox, the thumbnails must be visible when you choose FILE > OPEN SHOW...
michiel, 6 years ago
Hahaha. Thanks michiel. That's what it was. Finally after 2 years, a little tick does the trick!
shoon, 6 years ago
While at it, @michiel, can you please help me with this: I can't change size/resolution of shows. Every time I try, BT freezes. (Either @23% or 44%)
Must be the 6th time now. :(
shoon, 6 years ago
This % is only the preview size.
Your preview window is very small. Make it bigger with your mouse.
And choose FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION... to set the export resolution.
michiel, 6 years ago
Why have you rotated your desktop?
And why are you using such a small preview window?
1280 x 720 is ok, but what is the framerate?
And am I seeing it right that you are using Windows 10?
michiel, 6 years ago
:) no haven't rotated the desktop. It's just the pic that's rotated.
Frame rate is 30fps.
Yes. I'm using Windows 10 on a Surface Pro.
shoon, 6 years ago
Ok. Thanks michiel. Updated windows 10. That seems to have solved the problem.
shoon, 6 years ago