NextPreviousHomeLightshow Experiment

2ids | 9 years ago | 5 comments | 12 likes | 2.7K views

liuyongcai, snafu, Webby and 9 others like this!

Just an idea for a lightshow and some experimental stuff. play with the characterrotation and encryptslider , color to get tons of styles, lightcones and goboeffects. inspired by a programm called realizzer. hope this wakes up your creatitvty for a cool lightshow. Font used Crop Circle Dingbats(Shareware).

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Thank you for sharing your skills with others.

snafu, 9 years ago

Very good show, and thanks for sharing.

Jesus, 9 years ago

excellent, thank you for sharing

ID Production, 9 years ago

Thank you very much for sharing, God bless you!

Kauzito, 9 years ago

Thank you very much for sharing

Eddy, 9 years ago

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