LostBoyz | 9 years ago | 7 comments | 2 likes | 2.3K views
vincent and liuyongcai like this!
Hi Michiel!
You can create this effect?
Thank you!
Have you tried the Filters / BitDepth.cfx on the camera layer? Fastest way
the FX Colour Bit Depth on 2 looks like this.
komies, 9 years ago
I would use 2 picture layers. One using the Filters/BitDepth effect to limit the colours and the other with the Filters/Contours effect for the black outlines.
michiel, 9 years ago
Thank you!
Possible this effect?
I used a lot of old show and does not open.
Thank you!
LostBoyz, 9 years ago
I could not find that effect. You or a 3rd party must have created it.
We've added a Special/UVMapperAdditive effect. This does the same as Special/UVMapper, only with additive blending. I think it can do the same as your filename suggests:
-you can add a reflective floor with the new mirror layer (no need to use any of the old reflective floor effects)
-the 2nd texture can be used as a reflectionmap (and the 3d as a cubemap)
-it's rendered with additive blending
-it has FX props to position, rotate, size and animate the texture
-the texture is spread over the text
It will be published with the next update.
michiel, 9 years ago
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