MrGruntHunter | 9 years ago | 13 comments | 1.9K views
After completing a survey and receiving a discount coupon I'm looking at buying one of the BixPacks but need to determine which one will do what I want. I have narrowed my choices down to BixPacks #1, 'Virtual Studios' and BixPack #16, 'Newsrooms' .
I want to make an intro for a couple of friends who occasionally host a live YouTube event (one is in the US and the other is in Europe). I'm thinking BP#1 templates 3, 7 or 8 as well as BP#16 templates 5, 6, or 15 may work for me.
Maybe the question is: Where is says "your picture or photo here" can you insert a video instead of just a photo?
A follow up question is "How long are the templates and are all they all the same length?
It says I only have 2 days to make use of the coupon :-(
Where is says "your picture or photo here" can you insert a video instead of just a photo?
"How long are the templates and are all they all the same length?
Look at link:
komies, 9 years ago
Oh WOW ! ! !
Komies, you are amazing ... just like your creative talents :-)
Thank you again and again
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
Just purchased and downloaded BixPacks 1 & 16.
Another quick question: Can you add a scrolling animation to an existing text layer or do you have to create an entirely new scrolling layer?
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
you have to create an entirely new scrolling layer
it has it's own specific settings.
If you want another scrolling layer:
- goto to the layer
- Layer > Clone Active Layer
- change text positon
- Change text
komies, 9 years ago
Yeah, after playing with it fir awhile I kind of figured that. No problem as I'm sure I can work around that.
My biggest surprise was with BixPack 1 and Template 7. I thought I was going to be able to insert a photo or video into where it says "BixPack" on the walls but apparently the entire wall was brought in as a single image. Was quite disappointed in that.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
I don't know which one you mean?
But the same there:
- goto the layer
- Layer >Clone active layer
- Media > Change texture
- Change Size
- Change Positon (probably z axis depth, third slider to get it in front of the other one)
Bixpacks are a great way to learn
komies, 9 years ago
In the template there are three 'screens' that are black with the text BIxPack displayed. When I found out which layers they were they are called: " Screen Behind Desk (Model), Screen In Desk (Model) and Screen Left Of Desk (Model)" . I find that I can use the change texture command and insert a different image but I want to insert a video instead. How do I go about that?
I inserted a Video Layer to the Template and then changed the texture to my MP4 video clip but the video doesn't appear anywhere. I'm confused.
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
Goto the layer of the image you want to change into a video.
click Media >Change texture (F7) or click Edit >Change all textures (ALT + A)
Change image to video by: select texture and choose here the video you want.
Learning moment:
Blufftitler makes no difference between an image or video as a texture.
By adding a video layer, it will place it on position 0,0,400
By changing a texture it will just replace the image/video and keeps all other attributes as postion, rotation, size etc.
komies, 9 years ago
I did that but all I end up with is a white image. Could it be that I need to use a different file format and the position stayed at 0,0,0,. The video I'm trying to put in the video layer is a MP4 file, 15.7mb in size and only runs for 35sec (i'm hoping to be able to make it loop). Do I maybe need to use an .avi file instead to match BT's file format output?
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
If in a new show you add this as videolayer and it is still white, then you have a codec sorting problem.
By installing or reinstalling the k-lite pack it will force the order of the codecs to use with the videofile, this will correct 95% of this issue.
video's used in Blufftitler automatically loop, adjust your show duration too your needs.
In the link below more about codecs.....
komies, 9 years ago
I checked out the link you provided and got a little confused as there are several different files available to download;
The K-Lite Codec Packs available are:
Should I just go ahead and download the mega ?
Also I noticed a Codec Tweak Tool
and a MediaINFO Lite files available
I don't want to download a bunch of stuff that is going to clutter up my computer so I guess I'm looking for a little more guidance here :-(
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
Just the basic will do the trick.
If not after a restart of pc, then full.
I can explain the why in length and detail about codec hell, just know that this works 95% of the time by doing this.
komies, 9 years ago
That did the trick. I am HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY ha ha ha
MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago
Dell PC WINDOWS 10 PRO, 64-bit, Ver:1607, OS BLD: 14393.1066
INTEL Core: i7-4790, CPU @3.60 GHz, Instld RAM:16.0 GB
GeForce GTX 745, Driver ver: 376.53, Tot avail grap: 12225 MB, Ded vid mem: 4096 MB DDR3
Shared Sys Mem: 8159 MB, DirectX Runtime Ver:12.0
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