Jeep35 | 9 years ago | 3 comments | 1.4K views
Hi Michiel,
The new adapter functionality is not in the localization file ! Will it be possible to add it in the Locales texts to have it translated with the information attached.
Adapter is a Dutch word as well but I'm not sure this is the correct translation. What do you think is the French translation? Adapteur?
It's a technical term. Maybe it's best to leave it untranslated.
An adapter is not a graphics card because I have 2 adapters and only 1 graphics card. And after upgrading to Windows 10 a third one magically appeared. Very confusing.
How many adapters do you have?
michiel, 9 years ago
MS calls these things drivers, like "Microsoft Basic Render Driver" (third in Michiels list), even there can be an armada of single files within it.
kayserhans, 9 years ago
The French term would be "Adaptateur graphique" but when we change the type of adapter, there is a phrase which is in English "You have to restart BT ..." and is not in the localization text. The best should be to have them in the locale file.
I have 2 adapters on my card.
Jeep35, 9 years ago
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