NextPreviousHomeHow to cleanly remove backgrounds ?

MrGruntHunter | 9 years ago | 3 comments | 2.2K views


I have a question about how you were able to get the edges so sharp on the young lady you use in many of your show demonstrations. What software did you use to remove whatever background existed or was she maybe photographed against a green background or ? All I have is Corel Paint Shop Pro 9 and I just can't get the nice clean edges like you have. I did find one online site that did this but you had to subscribe on a monthly basis to use it.

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Yes, we used a green screen.

Silly mistake we made was the green alien: we had to do a bit of photoshopping to prevent Bix from getting transparent as well.

So if you use a green screen, make sure your model does not wear anything GREEN!!!

michiel, 9 years ago

Just curious. Can't you use pretty much any color as long as your subject doesn't contain the same color?

Other then that is there a reasonably priced (or freeware) software package available that you know of that is good at removing backgrounds?

MrGruntHunter, 9 years ago


The Effects\Picture\ChromaKey effect can make any colour transparent. You set this colour with the FX CHROMA COLOUR property.

The Effects\Picture\GreenScreen effect does nto feature this prop because it is optimized for green.

To answer your 2nd question: the reason why we have developed BluffTitler is because we could not find such app either.

michiel, 9 years ago

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