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Jeep35 | 9 years ago | 21 comments | 6.1K views

When I create a video layer, I get an ActiveMovie Window which runs the video but it's impossible to have it in the BT screen !!!
This seems to be new !!

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Dear Jean Pierre,

BluffTitler uses DirectShow to play videos. This means that you require a DirectShow decoder filter (also called a codec or a source filter) for the video format you want to play.

All Windows systems can play WMV files. For other formats you might have to install a decoder filter. K-Lite Codec Pack offers a huge collection of DirectShow decoder filters.

komies, 9 years ago

Yes Komies, I do know that, as I'm a specialist of video outputs but the same video file which was read in BT11 cannot be read in BT12 except that it plays in an ActiveMovie window but not in BT.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

both versions 11 and 12 are fine with video on my pc w8.1 x64.
I have 1. FFDshow and 2. lav filters installed for directshow.

By installing or reinstalling the k-lite pack it will force the order of the codecs to use with the videofile, this will correct 95% of this issue.

If not, you can manually change the codec for directshow with the codec tweak tool also in the k-lite pack.

Good luck

komies, 9 years ago

Hi Komies,
Thank you for trying to help in this case but :
1- I have all necessary codecs ffdshow included as I must have all known codecs for my professional outputs. I can read all kinds of video outputs on any software on my PC. When I import a file in BT12, I get an ActiveMovie Window opening and playing the video. If I run the clip while clicking the play button in BT12, it plays perfectly only in the ActiveMovie Window not in BT12.

2- What is much important, if I import this same file in BT11.2, it plays correcrtly in BT screeen, there is no ActiveMovie window that opens.

3- This happens on 2 different PCs one with Win7, the second on Win 8.1 with graphic cards certified DirectX 11.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

Windows 7 uses its own codecs for decoding several audio and video formats. Using third party DirectShow filters instead of the native filters is not possible without making difficult changes to the Windows Registry.

The Win7DSFilterTweaker tool allows you to configure your preferred DirectShow decoders with just a few mouse clicks. It is quick, easy, and changes can always be undone.

This tool is particularly useful for the Microsoft players, namely Windows Media Player and Media Center. Certain advanced third party players, such as Media Player Classic, are already capable of using third party filters without using this tool.

Pro tip: all functionality of Win7DSFilterTweaker is also included in Codec Tweak Tool, which also provides lots of other useful functionality.

All previous suggestions are still valid, It's not that you don't have the correct codecs but it's the order in which codec is used/preferred.

By installing or reinstalling the codec will change this order/prefference in 95% of the cases, if you don't want to reinstall or it did not work use the codec tweak tool and set the preferred codec for DirectShow manually.

komies, 9 years ago

Yes Komies but you do not explain why it works in BT 11.2 and not in BT12. Something has changed between 2 versions.
I can read ALL my video files in ALL my software programs except in BT 12.
I do not intend to reinstall all my codecs for something which occurs only in one program.

This is my last post about this problem because I think that nobody can give a logical explanation and I'll use another software for my video imports.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

It is a logical explanation:

Blufftitler version 11.2 most have been coupled to a Third party codec
Blufftitler version 12 most have been coupled to the W7 standard codec on registry level.

regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Drivers32

When you have the codecs installed before you install Blufftitler the chance is great that it wil coupled with the standard w7 codec.

You do not have to reinstall, but it is a solution that works without a long explanation. Use the codec tweak tool if you do not want to reinstall the codec (It's Always wise to update this anyway).

Use the Codec Tweak Tool to check for any possible problems. Enable these fixes:

1.Detect and remove broken ACM/VFW codecs
2.Detect and remove broken DirectShow filters
3.Re-register base DirectShow filters

If the above does not help, then the problem might be related to the User Account Control (UAC) functionality of Windows Vista/7/8. Disabling UAC can often cause weird problems. Uninstall the pack. Re-enable UAC and then re-install the pack.

Without codec tweak tool: open CMD as Admin and add this:
regsvr32 quartz.dll this will Re-register base DirectShow filters.
Restart PC obviously!

komies, 9 years ago

You see, just reinstalling is easier and you don't have to know alll this in order to fix it.

Because it is mainly a windows issue.

komies, 9 years ago

Sorry Komies, I understand you try to solve my problem but I've done all what you said with Tweak Tool. All my codecs are listed and no one has a broken link.
I can't imagine that only one software on the planet fails to a simple video import mainly when we know that the previous versions were OK.

An upgrade mustn't be a knightmare for the user. You ask me to completely remodel my Windows system although ALL OTHER PROGRAMS are working fine. Sorry but, I won't.

I have been using BT for years and I have always been able to import any video format in the previous versions till BT12. If it's a bug, it must be corrected. It may happen in certain circumstances and the developper knows where he must act in this case.

I definitely leave this problem and thank you for your patience. I'll use BT11 on a third PC when necessary.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

"Without codec tweak tool: open CMD as Admin and add this:
regsvr32 quartz.dll this will Re-register base DirectShow filters."

I've done this, the answer was it was successful but it doesn't solve the problem.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

These questions are to help Michiel:

What format video are you trying to import?
Have you tried another video format?
Have you tried a .wmv format?
Does the issue still exist with all above formats even .wmv?

komies, 9 years ago

Among several formats tried : mov, mp4, mp2, divx avi, wmv, only wmv seems to be correctly imported. (I say "seems" because I have not many video in this format). All others, are imported in BT12, play correctly but in a separate ActiveMovie window. The action buttons of BT (play, stop, resume) are effective but in the ActiveMovie window.
My experience about issues concerns more than 30 video files tried in different formats, on 2 different PC.
During the last weekend, I had initiated a training session with BT12 and no one has been able to import a video file in the formats evocated here. There were no wmv files tried.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

The reason for not installing K-Lite pack or similar is because I have yet all official codecs concerned by my needs and some ones are under a paid licence (mp4, mov, divx) and I do not want to overwrite these codecs with others that are evidently not the same.
My leitmotiv is that if it worked under BT11, it must work under BT12, if all other software do import correctly my file, BT12 must do the same.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

One last try:

The BluffTitler installer does not install any codec, it does not remove any codec and it does not alters the priorities of any codec.

It is the merit system issue on W7, W8.

I recreated this issue by setting in Codec tweak tool / win7dsfilter tweaker / preferred decoders to a different option (windows as preferred)
it was set on USE MERIT where it had no ploblems, so for me the merit system works with the correct Direct Show Decoder.

Can you do the following:

komies, 9 years ago

1 open Codec Tweak Tool
2 goto Settings: Backup / click yes (now you can restore if needed)
3 goto WIN7DSFilter Tweaker: Preferred decoders
4 change to a different filter under the format that you are trying to import in blufftitler. Click Apply.
5 open V.12 new show / add video layer / select video and see if it worked.
6 If not: repeat step 4 and 5

komies, 9 years ago

After 2 hours of combination, I finally succeeded in importing a MP4 and a MOV clips in BT12.
My previous questions remain and I'd like an answer from the development team :
1- Why could I import them without any specific handling in BT11 and not in BT12 ?
2- Why BT12 is the only software needing such handling for video files ?
I own all the few necessary codecs for my professional job from years and no software has requested such a lot of time to spend to import a video clip.

Finally, my thought is that I'm not sure that a lambda user will succeed in importing easily a video clip in BT12 if he has to manipulate a special utility program with dozen of options.

Again, thank you to Komies but I should have prefered a more simple solution.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

1) I honestly don't know. Nothing has changed in the way videos are handled.

2) BluffTitler does not know anything about any video format. The BluffTitler installer does not come with any video decoder filter. For this reason it totally depends on the ones that are already installed on your system. If you're lucky it works. If not, you have to do some extra work as komies explains on this page.

Video editing apps like Sony Vegas solve this by installing their own (or 3rd party) decoder filters and explicitly use those filters. This however makes the app more expensive and because BluffTitler is mostly about titling (the text layer) and less about video backgrounds (the video layer) we don't think this is worth it.

Please realize that rendering a video on a texture in 3D is a lot more complex than playing it in a 2D window. Not all decoder filters are up to this task. And you can't blame them.

michiel, 9 years ago

Here are 2 simple ways to avoid the "codec hell":
1) use WMV: all Windows systems can play WMV out of the box
2) export with transparency and do the mixing in your NLE:

michiel, 9 years ago

OK thank you Michiel for your reply even if doesn't give me more info about the problem.
I use ProShow Producer that doesn't have any external codecs but MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 only. If I use another format like mov, ... it searches by itself in the installed codecs library. This works from years, like did BT11.
I understand that I should use WMV but this is not a format mainly used in the broadcast world.

Anyway, the subject is closed and thank you for all your suggestions. I'll try to make a tutorial for those who will encounter these problems in France.

Jeep35, 9 years ago

I went through the same thing a couple of months ago.
The "solution" I had to settle on was this...
I make a commercial in Vegas Pro, render a medium quality wmv file
Make that the background video layer in Blufftitler & create all my cool graphics.
Mute the video background & render uncompressed transparent background.
put the rendered Blufftitler video as track 1 in Vegas and make the background transparent.
It works.

What I'd wanted to do, was render a really high quality edit from Vegas, put the titles on in Blufftitler and render my final version from there, but Blufftitler couldn't handle it.

philipscoggins, 9 years ago

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