NextPreviousHomeConverting .fx files in .cfx

Jeep35 | 9 years ago | 15 comments | 2 likes | 3.1K views

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Hi Michiel,

Is there a tool to convert .fx files in .cfx by ourselves ?

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This is one of the rare feature requests that are impossible to realize.

I'm sure it's technically possible, but because it requires full knowledge of all the DirectX 9 features (and bugs!) it's practically impossible.

What we can do is to publish a version that allows you to create your own effects. We call it the developer version:

michiel, 9 years ago

but is it possible to send you customized fx for traduction?

vincent, 9 years ago

We'd love to hear your ideas for new effects. Sharing ideas is what this community is all about!

michiel, 9 years ago

I have a show which uses BumpMap.fx
I tried to load the show into Bluff 12 and it had a hissy fit saying it could not find the (V11) version.

Is there a solution to my problem please.

John P.

jopin, 9 years ago

Thank you for your report. We will convert the old effect and add it to a next release.

For now, you can do 2 things:

1) Use the new Effects/Normalmap effect. This does the same as the old BumpMap effect.

2) Make a copy of the new Effects/Normalmap effect, rename it to V11_BumpMap and place it in the Effects/V11 folder.

michiel, 9 years ago

Thank you Michiel for the reply. I used solution 2) and now all is well.

John P.

jopin, 9 years ago

I have a show using DWDD.fx but it does not work with V12.

I tried to reinstall V11, put this file in Effects directory, then reinstall the last version but the file is not converted to cfx.

How can I proceed ?


78chris, 9 years ago

We will convert the old DWDD effect and add it to the next installer. Thank you for your request.

michiel, 9 years ago


Thank you.

Other fx having same problem : Framentation1, Psycho2, Water_ReflexionMap and Plane2Cylinder_Additive...

78chris, 9 years ago

I could not find Fragmentation1, but I did find Fragmentation, so that one wil be converted instead. I hope it will work for you.

Same with Psycho2: Psycho will be converted.

Water_ReflectionMap will be converted.

I could not find the additive version of the Plane2Cylinder effect. I advise you to use a picture layer, select the CYLINDER style (2nd dropdown below the textbox), apply the NotLightenedAdditive effect and animate the MORPHING STAGE property.

No problem to convert other old effects.

michiel, 9 years ago

Hello michiel

Thanks a lot.

If this can help, I can send you the effects. I got them in examples downloaded
I know Psycho is not working to replace Psycho2 because I tried.

I will try and let you know :
- Fragmentation (Fragmentation1 was used for a puzzle)
- Cylinder and NotLightenedAdditive (Plane2Cylinder_Additive was used for ligth projectors effects)

Thanks a lot for the ones you already converted in the new release ;-)

78chris, 9 years ago

Does Psycho not work because it does not look like Psycho2? Or because BluffTitler still complains it can't find the effect?

The latter can be fixed by making a copy of:


and renaming it to:


This way it is automatically selected when an old show tries to load:


michiel, 9 years ago


Fragmentation seems OK.

For Psycho : what you describe is what I tried but it does not work. Psycho2 looks the reverse of peeling an orange...

For Plane2Cylinder_Additive : it had a FX cone factor allowing to adjust to a very small extremity t obtain a cone rather than a cylinder.

But those ones are not so important for me and I am happy with the conversion you added to last release ;-)

78chris, 9 years ago

Where Can I find "Developer Version" to generate Effect?
The link is not there:

SamSaam, 2 years ago

SamSaam, the developer edition is currently not for sale. Here's the correct link:

michiel, 2 years ago

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