NextPreviousHomeText not rendering like I want

MrGruntHunter | 9 years ago | 1 comment | 1.4K views

I used the BT Show "Door" that Ulli posted in the forum back in 2006 to try and use for an simple INTO for my son's recent piano recital. I added the text "Music In Action" and having the camera zooming on it as the doors are opening. I then added the VJ Dancing FX and also an audio layer with piano music for the text to 'dance' to. I also added some Sparkles1.

Now, it all looks fine when I'm working on it in BT but when I render it to a movie the text appears on top of the doors, the sparkles turn into splotches and the file grows to 12 GB ! I even went back and tried to move the text and door layers forward and backward to see if them would cure the problem but it doesn't.

I would post the BT show here but am not familiar as how to do it. The only way I can see is to actually render it to a movie, post it on YouTube and then post the link here but then I don't think that would let you see how it is as a BT show file.

Any suggestions for curing my text on top of the door issue?

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If you have a question about an article it works best to use the comment form at the bottom of that article. This way we do not have to search (door) and the artist (Ulli) receives a notification e-mail.

I also advise you to ask 1 question at a time. The only question I can remember is the filesize. The answer to this is: use compression:

michiel, 9 years ago

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