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Dani | 10 years ago | 9 comments | 11 likes | 3.3K views

LostBoyz, Thor5ten, ID Production and 8 others like this!

Carlos Marques | IntroChamp | sinus300 | maitegras | liuyongcai | LostBoyz | agpvn | Ulli | persiana | chespi650 | vincent | BillyJack | Pixelpanther | komies | ernst | Miguel Ramirez M | bylaw | Bragina | John (ProComGer) | JimH | IBMedia | Yousef | Tony Peppers 3D | chaver | orlando | Jesus | walgu | julio solano | DeanO | matty | dvsprite | jmarkt | bix | joseburgos | taco | carlo | sebouze | patrickv | XarquS | Tjeb | rudemartini | DaDa | Elect1 | hernandez777 | lampion | amiga | JOSE LUIS | Tukkermando | mrbernd | PeteK | PiPPi | thethbac | studiolike | asterix | ID Production | Thor5ten | JeepNL | Roald | roberto666 | crispin | SamSaam | Sten | ramman | NYA-Mike | Har | schmidde78 | Dick | adrien60 | stbo | B.Projects | mikeatglobal | jeff | africanjim | kayserhans

i wish all the best.

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Really really great 3D World and what a magnificent association of colors, you have done one of the better shows fo the gallery.

vincent, 10 years ago

Thank you Dani.

Maybe it's time for a secret built-in flight sim mode. Would love to fly over this world!

michiel, 10 years ago

It is a wonderful show. Thanks a lot, Dani. :-)))

Ulli, 10 years ago

Thanks Dani, it's amazing what you've done.
Because it is the magical world of BluffTitler. Congratulations.

Jesus, 10 years ago

Thank you Dani,
what Silicon Valley is for San Francisco and San Jose, your created Blufftitler Valley is for us all over the world.

kayserhans, 10 years ago

Thank you my friends for all your love and support.

Dani, 10 years ago

ES un maravilloso espectáculo como todos los que tu realizas y ademas teniéndonos en cuenta en el espectáculo. Muchas gracias Dani

persiana, 10 years ago

Very very COOL! :)

LostBoyz, 10 years ago

Thank you persiana and LB my friend.

Dani, 10 years ago

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About Dani

Daniel lives in Hyderabad city in India, He loves to work with Blufftitler , For to him Every day begins with Blufftitler , He called himself a mad lover of Blufftitler.
Thank you for watching my shows and your great support.
Lots of Love from

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