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liuyongcai | 10 years ago | 7 comments | 11 likes | 3.4K views

Dani, crispin, snafu and 8 others like this!

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fantástico show Liuyongcai, y gracias por compartir

persiana, 10 years ago

Nice show!! thank you very much liuyongcai.

vincent, 10 years ago

thanks for the share

komies, 10 years ago

Wow, lots of clever tricks in this show!

I like the way you use the ROUNDED PIXELS style in combination with lots of dots (........................) and the STRING 2 style. For example in layer 33.

The trick used with layers 12 (red) and 15 (white) using a VERTICALLY REVOLVED 'W' is very creative. To prevent it looks differently in low, normal and high quality you could consider using a texture.

Thanks for sharing your tricks!

michiel, 10 years ago

I was wondering how I could speed up the rendering and found out that I can make the show render about 4 times faster by turning off the shadows: set the SHADOW INTENSITY property of the light layer (layer 2) to 0.

When your computer is not so fast it helps to turn off the shadows when editing.

Don't forget to turn in back on when exporting.

michiel, 10 years ago

michiel, thank you. Great software outer space godfather!

liuyongcai, 10 years ago

One of the best shows of you liuyongcai,

Dani, 10 years ago

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