Jeep35 | 10 years ago | 2 comments | 2.1K views
I have created some .x files for 3D objects but they are all with .x file plus all the materials separately.
I know some CAD software can output in compressed format including the code and the materials in one .x file but not the one I use.
Does anybody know with which utility I can convert my .x files in compressed .x files
BluffTitler supports compressed .x files, but it does not support embedded textures so I have to warn you that this tool will not be of much use in combination with BluffTitler.
michiel, 10 years ago
Yes Michiel, I know that, but I got a few compressed x.files that do work in BluffTitler, I was just wondering how I could generate these kind of compressed files.
Jeep35, 10 years ago
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