Jeep35 | 10 years ago | 7 comments | 1.9K views

Can we imagine 3D outputs such as those of commercial movies using two cameras layers ? In that case, what should be the parameters to use ?

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I think you the PUPIL DISTANCE property of the camera layer will make you happy!

michiel, 10 years ago

Hi michiel,
The Pupil Distance gives a duplicate of the scene but doesn't render in a 3D format like those we find in the theaters with special 3D glasses, unless I miss something

Jeep35, 10 years ago

To see 3d you need to have a device that can handle 3D, in combination with glasses. At home this means a 3d TV or beamer, and since we are talking about side by side 3d (SBS) you will need (passive) polarized glasses or (active) shutter glasses.

In this gallery you will find articles that will help.

Here is a link that explains how SBS works.

here is a link with example's of SBS 3D from YouTube:

Good luck and fun with trying and experimenting with this cool feature.

komies, 10 years ago

Thank you komies, I'm going to make some tries according to these articles

Jeep35, 10 years ago

Back after many tries.
I succeed in creating a ready to output scene acting on the Pupil distance parameter. What I see on the screen in BuffTitler is totally in accordance with what it normally should be. After outputting in video and displaying on my 3D TV, I can see a perfectly rendered 3D scene but ... all what is spheric becomes oval it looks like the height had become half its normal size. Is there a parameter that I missed ?

Jeep35, 10 years ago

Maybe you have forgotten to set the PIXEL ASPECT RATIO to 2 in the FILE > SET SHOW RESOLUTION dialog

michiel, 10 years ago

Great Michiel, this was my mistake !! It's working perfectly

Jeep35, 10 years ago

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