John (ProComGer) | 10 years ago | 6 comments | 3 likes | 2.6K views
Jeep35, snafu and IntroChamp like this!
you find two very basic example shows which show you why the two options "custom physics" and "override key frame for physics" would be useful.
What do you think?
Is this a good or a bad idea?
Please comment below.
Here is my idea how to make these two functions possible in a very easy way:
Double click on a key frame you want to override for physics and select "override" in the appearing window.
If you want to adjust the amount and strength of damping, bouncing and acceleration, you also simply have to double click on the specific key frame. In the window you can easily adjust the sliders and hit "OK". You can repeat this for different key frames if you wish and you can switch during one show in the same layer between "damping", "bouncing", …
You are one (of the few ones) that shows your skills teaching others.
And most important, not using this gallery as a shop window of your expertness !
snafu, 10 years ago
Hi snafu,
please excuse me! I don't want to use this gallery as a shop window. This feature is the only one that I am missing in BluffTitler. I am no expert and I don't know how to realise this idea! This here will be my last article on this topic and it should have been a last try for myself to get some feedback from other users.
Before I found BluffTitler, I was using Blender for almost every animation. But Blender is no real-time editor. BluffTitler is so much better for the most animations and much faster and easier than every other software I have used before, but from almost every other animation software I know something like a "curve editor" to adjust the animation. This small feature would allow a bit more flexibility in BluffTitler.
The two example shows attached above show some reasons why it might be a nice idea.
But as far as I can see there are no other users – except of misterbrains – who wish this feature, so I will no longer pollute the gallery with this idea.
I see this feature as an additional feature in BluffTitler which appears after double clicking on a key frame. I don't want to change any setting or function of BluffTitler, because the GUI is really awesome! The additional window for my "custom physics" would remain invisible and no user would see any difference to the current version of BluffTitler, until he double clicks on a key frame to get the settings window.
Misterbrains explained to this topic:
"Clients with cash expect this amount of control."
by misterbrains, 4 months ago
Best regards and please excuse me, but I only want to support BluffTitler. I don't want anything bad.
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago
Hello John,
You need to know that you are not alone in requesting this feature. I too have requested it. Michiel has made a note of it, so I trust that he will implement it when and if conditions are ripe for it.
You are not polluting the gallery, your request is valid and valuable.
IntroChamp, 10 years ago
Hi IntroChamp,
thank you very much for this information and your comment :).
After snafu's comment I felt insecure about this topic afterwards.
I mean, it was only an idea and I only wanted to check out if there is someone else who shares this idea with me.
Best regards
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago
Don't be insecure John (ProComGer), I agree with you in asking about this topic.
But at the same time time, you were making reference, with the download media files possibility, a way to teach others how to perform certain skills, and that's where my applause goes to.
This Gallery has lost the sense for what was created, which is to teach others, not just a window shop for a bunch of show-offs, that no matter how high are the skills used.
For me they are pointless, and should have been published in UTube.
snafu, 10 years ago
Hi snafu,
now I do understand what you mean: Yes, indeed. I guess there are even more show-offs in the gallery than tutorials, but additionally too less teaching videos and download templates created by the gallery users.
I think that templates of shows are sometimes almost as good as tutorials, if you know some basics of the software.
You can take a look at the layers and fxs used in the individual show. It is something like "learning-by-watching" combined with "learning-by-doing".
The two sample shows in my download link are to visualize the ideas.
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago