videomike | 10 years ago | 2 comments | 1.5K views
I have mistakenly saved over a bt show {instead of saving as...)and now the show comes up every time in the same way that I left it, instead of as the template that it was when I downloaded it. The show in question is the show that I downloaded with the last upgrade. After I had been revising the template to suit my needs, I put it in the Favorites tab and saved it. I should have done a "save show as..." function and now I can't get the original template back. Do I have to uninstall BluffTitler, reinstall the latest version and download all the effects, shows, etc. again, or is there a better way to get that one template back?
This bt file is still in the latest version of BluffTitler, I've just checked ! If you reinstall BT, you should get it again.
Jeep35, 10 years ago
Fantastic! One of the reasons I enjoy this software is the tremendous support given to it all the way through. I simply unzipped the file, uninstalled, then reinstalled BT from there---and it tool all of about ten seconds. Amazing. I didn't even have to re-enter my codes. Whoever decided to design the zip file in this way should get a raise. Thank you all, once again.
videomike, 10 years ago