tsnguru | 10 years ago | 7 comments | 3.5K views

Bluff Titler's information on how to do a text particle dissolve is really thin. Has anyone posted a tutorial or knows how to do this?

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Maybe this info can help:

michiel, 10 years ago

And here are the show files from the promo video:

michiel, 10 years ago


The show files are NOT helpful. Actual tutorials WOULD be helpful, but they are, apparently, non-existent!

tsnguru, 10 years ago

Read this post :)

komies, 10 years ago

tsnguru, it's easier to use a template as the basis for your own shows.

If you want to create a text particle dissolve from scratch perform the following steps:
1) click the NEW SHOW button
2) click the CHANGE EFFECT button and choose SPECIAL/CLIP.FX
3) move the 1st slider of the FX CLIP PLANE POSITION property to the left until the text is fully invisible
4) move the TIME SLIDER to 00:03.000
5) move the 1st slider of the FX CLIP PLANE POSITION property to the right until the text is fully visible
6) click the ATTACH PARTICLES TO ACTIVE LAYER button and select the PINK CUBES preset
7) select the particle layer with the LAYERS dropdown
8) set the LAUNCH PLANE SIZE property to 10
9) set the LAUNCH PLANE POSITION property to the same value as in step 3
10) move the time slider to 00:00.000
11) set the LAUNCH PLANE POSITION property to the same value as in step 5
12) click the PLAY button

If any of the above steps is unclear, let me know!

michiel, 10 years ago


YES!!! You are right, the template is much easier, and I think we have now solved the problem. Whew! Thank you sooo much! Additional question, though: How can the onset of the particle dissolve itself be delayed for a few seconds after the font has come up and set? Have tried keyframes, etc, extending the length of the show open, but can't seem to delay the start of the dissolve.

tsnguru, 10 years ago

Moving the keyframes should be enough.

If the particles are visible before the dissolve starts you have to adjust the LAUNCH PLANE POSITION property of the particle layer until no particles are being emitted.

michiel, 10 years ago

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