NextPreviousHomeUpdate a object ( Model-Layer ) after the show was stored

2ids | 10 years ago | 2 comments | 1.5K views

Hi out there.

is it possible to exchange a modellayers content ( mymodel.x ) after i stored a show.

the situation:

i create a show an a customer will change the object in the modelllayer after the show is finished.

so the keyframes should be excact the same in the modellayer as before. only update a modellayers content with an other model ( mymodel.x )
thanks a lot for help and have a nice bright day.

2IDs media:design RON

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I think you are looking for the CHANGE MODEL button.

Alternatively you can choose the menu item MEDIA > CHANGE MODEL...

michiel, 10 years ago

HEY Michiel,
Excatamente :-) Thats what i am looking for.
Thank you very much :-)
i missed the button cause i zoomed my layout to short so some buttons are missing. GREAT

2ids, 10 years ago

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