walgu | 10 years ago | 19 comments | 5 likes | 2.2K views

Dani, sinus300, John (ProComGer) and 2 others like this!

Plasma HD 720

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Walgu, this is great and wonderful what you created. Congratulations.

Jesus, 10 years ago

Thank you. And all of these projects is a small part of what has been done. Just the thought of making poyavmlas help for amateurs. Help to proramma - this is for proffesionalov. For example, there are effects such as SliceAndWipe.fx. I deal with it for two days and got two root page typewritten description.

walgu, 10 years ago


Unfortunately, the resolution of the plasma is sometimes low in BluffTitler: youtu.be...

Beginning at 0:20 sec.

John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

f you go to YouTube and watch it there will be present at the bottom of the icon allows you to set the display resolution. when setting the display resolution "HD" video looks good.

walgu, 10 years ago

Hi walgu,

I have been watching the video in 720p and the video looks quite good except of the part from 0:20 to 0:24 sec.
It looks like a pixel style.

John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

Thank you. Overlooked. All ideally suffered only the final product. This is the result of Pinnacle. It forms with variable bitrate video. At low bitrate, the picture may be blurry. Tomorrow will think how to fix it.

walgu, 10 years ago

Tried to fix it but after Pinnacle still there is some blurring.

walgu, 10 years ago

Walgu, I have tried some plasma shows by myself. There is no problem with Pinnacle. I found out that the quality of the the plasma depends on the properties of the specific plasma layer.

Here's my test: speedy.sh....

Good evening


John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

John (ProComGer), I do not understand either the term " try " . In my understanding, to try - it's when some base creates something svoe.a your project - a project of Standard delivery Circles.bt loem second remote plasma and modified project settings . From what I have shown - there is no standard projects . My operating time use , but I have no complaints . For example , in a package cockroaches . There used my converted effekt.A picture that rzletaetsya shariki. Vpervye on this idea was shown a show about a trip to Sweden . As for the output pinnasle. Esli One project , there is no problem . If there are several scenes , the program analyzes the video stream of current and the next scene when the difference may reduce the bitrate to the extent that the picture will be blurred.

walgu, 10 years ago

Hi walgu,

I'm afraid that we are talking about two different topics ;-).
Don't worry ...
Here is my very easy explanation: (CLICK BUTTON).
I think you're doing a good job!

All the best


Привіт walgu,

Я боюся, що ми говоримо про два різних темах;-).
Не хвилюйтеся ...
Ось мій дуже просте пояснення: (натисніть кнопку).
Я думаю, ви робите хорошу роботу!

Всього хорошого



John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

Hi Michiel,

would it break older shows if BluffTitler would support some sharper plasma layers in future?
Especially when using the "Circles" plasma it looks a bit blurry in the center of the plasma. Is it only a problem on my computer?

Here is one test file: speedy.sh...
Here is a screenshot: pic-upload.de...

Thank you in advance



John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

As is the case with all effects, it's a compromise. You can increase the resolution of the plasma textures. This will make them more sharp, which is a good thing. Bad thing is that it will make the shows run slower, it will increase loading time and since it eats up precious video memory it could decrease antialiasing quality.

michiel, 10 years ago

Okay. I understand the problem.
What do you think about an option that allows a sharp plasma in the exported shows by keeping the resolution of the plasma in the real time editing as it is?
Might this be an option?

John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

You sound like a coder. Why don't you try to create a pixel shader that generates the plasma effect you are looking for? This way it will always be razor sharp, no matter how far you zoom in.

michiel, 10 years ago

Please excuse me, Michiel, but I don't understand what you mean ...
Do you mean that it is impossible doing this or have I written something wrong?
I also please you to excuse my knowledge gap concerning plasmas. I thought it would be easy to increase the quality of plasma layers, at least for the exported movies.

Concerning: "You sound like a coder." → Have I been impolite?

Thanks a lot


I compared the smoothness of pixel shaders in computer games with BluffTitler, because I thought that both programs base on Microsoft Direct X? Maybe my last comment relates to my knowledge gap about the shaders. I feel sorry!

John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

My guess is that a pixel shader version of the circles effect of the plasma layer offers the sharpness and smoothness you are looking for.

michiel, 10 years ago

Okay. And what can I do now? How do I get the sharp pixel shader version? Do I need a new graphics card?


John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

John, take a look at this effect.

When you apply it to a picture layer and zoom in, the spirals remain super sharp. No matter the resolution of the picture you are using.

That's the power of pixel shaders!

I think a shader version of the circles effect of the plasma layer will give you the sharpness you are looking for.


michiel, 10 years ago

Indeed, it works perfectly ;-).
Thank you very much. I didn't find this article before ...
One last question (I don't need the effect now, but it might be also interesting for other users):
Can this pixel shader effect also simulate the blobs/circles plasma?
Then, BluffTitler would be THE perfect background plasma creator EVER!

Enjoy the day


John (ProComGer), 10 years ago

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