John (ProComGer) | 10 years ago | 6 comments | 2.4K views
Hello Bluffers ;),
I have to create a very simple show for the next week:
A 3D text with a glossy effect as shown here:
Not really difficult but I do not get the same effect agpvn has created in his video. I tried to use a bunch of point lights but the text only reflects one pont light. If I check the "Invisible" button the lower point lighty layer is visible, but both are never visible at the same time. I wanted to use "NotLightened_Additive.fx" and "NotLightened.fx" combined with a texture.
Without any effect and any texture it works well. What am I doing wrong?
I also tried to attach a gradient texture with a white streak on it to get the same effect, but it doesn't work.
What can I do now?
f you need to use multiple light sources for the text, the text can not apply any effects. Otherwise, it will only work one istochnik.Glyantsevuyu surface text can pluchit using textures DDS (bixsorama) or effects and textures with the main program. Example 4 Here, to illustrate the problem.
walgu, 10 years ago
Thanks walgu,
so if I have to use a bunch if point lights on a text, I can't apply any effect on the text without losing point lights influencing the text layer(s)?
That's bad!
Do you have any ideas how I could apply the white streak moving from the left side of the text to the right?
Do I have to use another texture?
Do you have any templates by accident?
A moving texture didn't work really good for me. I have tried different properties and effects to achieve the effect from agpvn, but my effect didn't look so professional :-(.
Thank you so far!
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago
How the text will look depends on the texture and spolzuemogo effekta. S moving textures are no problems if format AVI. Dlya other formats may establish Come kodeki.V this example texture is made in the program Genetica.
walgu, 10 years ago
Very nice shows, walgu!
Thank you very much for the links!
Do you have any example show that looks like this one:
I only need the light streak moving over the text.
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago
Any ideas?
John (ProComGer), 10 years ago