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John (ProComGer) | 11 years ago | 6 comments | 1 like | 1.8K views

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is it already possible to edit the attack/smoothness of "Bouncer/Damper/Bezier Spline/ZigZag/..." effects?

I think it would be nice to edit those presets as in a curve editor shown in GIMP:

Then you can adjust the presets much easier.
Just an idea!

Wish a good weekend!


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That's a good idea John. I just hit that wall wanting to damp a bounce, so I keyed it with the camera instead... ;)

Pixelpanther, 11 years ago

Thanks, Pixelpanther.
Maybe Michiel read this comment, too?

John (ProComGer), 11 years ago

Yes, I am reading this too.

Challenge is to add functionality without harming the simplicity of the GUI. It's easy to add a new dialog every day. The problem is that this also makes the app more complex to use.

A new tweening effect I am thinking about is: DECELERATE UP, ACCELERATE DOWN. This could be a simple way to simulate gravity without all the difficult settings of a real physics engine.

michiel, 11 years ago

Hi Michiel,

thanks for your answer!

I understand what you mean.

Maybe you are right and it will be enough if there are properties available to adjust the speed/acceleration of each effect.

Then, the intensity of the damping/bouncing effect would also be adjusted by these properties. Am I right with my suggestion?

Thanks a lot!


John (ProComGer), 11 years ago

No, that's not what I meant.

I mean this:

michiel, 11 years ago

OH ;-).

Sure. I also don't want that!

Just thought about two more lines in the layer properties for acceleration/deceleration or smoothness of the damping/bouncing effect for example.

Just an idea!

Thanks and all the best!


John (ProComGer), 11 years ago

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