John (ProComGer) | 11 years ago | 4 comments | 2.1K views
how do I make a title thicker/create a bold font?
I tried charakter size and other properties, but I don't get the font to look like in Microsoft® Word.
If I select "Bold" in Word, the title becomes really fat, but in BluffTitler I don't find an option that causes the same effect.
Any ideas?
Hi John,
In v11 there is an option for STROKED on the left menu bottom dropdown. Select that for text you create, then adjust the stroked size in the layer properties dropdown to suit, saves messing around with other properties and complex methods like cloning etc. and it's visual you can see as you do....
Stroking text by creating an outside loop is commonly used for text emphasis so this may well help?
Pixelpanther, 11 years ago
OK. I used STROKED so far. I was just wondering if there was another hidden option to do this.
Thank you, Bob!
John (ProComGer), 11 years ago
John (ProComGer), 11 years ago