NextPreviousHome"Things to Know" 3D Models in BluffTitler

BillyJack | 11 years ago | 5 comments | 4 likes | 3.4K views

Bald Runner, Apolinaire, Pixelpanther and 1 other like this!

There are a few sites on the web where you can download 3D models that will work "as is" in

BluffTitler, but nothing compared to the number of sites offering free models that are not ready

compatible. You can however convert most of the other formats relatively easily if you remember a few

simple things.

1. BluffTitler can only import DirectX (.x) format

2. BluffTiler can only show the faces of the model in the direction the normals are pointing. What I mean is if you made a 3D Cube, the normals on all 6 sides would have to be facing

outward. If one of the sides normals where facing inward, your model would look like a box with one

open side.

3. Don't over vertices the model. The more vertices the model has, the harder it is for BluffTitler to

read it. That being said though, I have a football helmet with 68,000 verticies and though it takes a minute to load in Titler, it handles it well.

4. Make sure you remove all dulpicate verticies.

5. UV maps, if you use a texture on the model other than color, the UVMap file must be kept in the same folder the model is in for BluffTitler to find it.

Know later on when I have time, if anyone is interested, I am willing to do a Blender tutorial showing how to import, clean-up and export models for use in BluffTitler.

Does anyone that doesn't already know care to learn? I can't teach you Blender modeling, you're on your own there, but I think I can put together an "Import/Export" tutorial that woud be easy enough to follow.

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BillyJack, I recently downloaded Blender after PixelPanther told me he used it occasionally. I would be interested in such a tutorial if you are thinking of creating one.



Bald Runner, 11 years ago

Billy Jack - I would be GREATLY interested in viewing your proposed tutorial!! I've had "some" success with exporting models from Blender into BT, but never quite understood how I did it! :>)

BTW, I'm still trying to figure out how to apply that ReflectiveFloor.fx to an exported 3D football to create a shadow in BT. Can't remove all of the "reflective effect" from the texture??

In the meantime, I'm following your advice to attempt to create this same scene in Blender. I seem to be pushing my limits!

jmarkt, 11 years ago

Some great pointers here.... wish I had them when I first tried to do this ;)

Don't be surprised if you get some models which are 'broken' from the internet, if it loads and appears 3D but is black then the creator probably missed a few things or it wasn't designed with programs like Bluff in mind (broken UV mapping, invalid vertices topology etc)

When you get into creating your own models you will face frustration and probably a lot of hours trying fixes and methods. Keep going as this just adds more depth and scope to Bluff ;)

btw BillyJack I think I may have pipped your limit with the warrior model in my latest post at 262,000 vertices!........but that's an exception to the rule and took a lot of experimenting which is not 100% stable! LOL

Nice Article.... :)

Pixelpanther, 11 years ago

Me too - I have already used blender to do this, but it is very much a 'try it and see', not really knowing much about the various options.


stbo, 11 years ago

BillyJack, your proposal is very interesting.

Apolinaire, 11 years ago

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