John (ProComGer) | 11 years ago | 13 comments | 2.3K views
Hello Michiel,
here you can find an idea how to use two fx on one layer without joining the files before:
I wish you a good day!
Hi John,
how does this work then.... is this a coding change to Bluff? Picture is edited to remove detail, but can't see how current standard Bluff can do that.
Pixelpanther, 11 years ago
Hi Pixelpanther,
this function is not already possible for BluffTitler today.
It was an idea created by myself with photoshop ;-).
I hope, Michiel could add this feature.
It would help a lot.
John (ProComGer), 11 years ago
Hi John,
:) I think it's a good idea, however I think I read that multiple fx without integration into a single fx causes issues in some cases. I'm sure Michiel will clarify :)
Must admit, did get excited for a moment though :) lol
Regards.... Bob
Pixelpanther, 11 years ago
Hi Pixelpanther,
yes: probably Michiel can help.
Let's just wait ;-).
I wish you a good day!
John (ProComGer), 11 years ago
Thanks, Michiel,
but why should there be a conflict mixing "ReflectionMap_Additive.fx" and "ReflectiveFloor_ReflectionMap.fx" or "ReflectiveFloor_GradientReflection.fx"?
I think combining both fx should work or am I wrong?
John (ProComGer), 11 years ago
Maybe BluffTitler should have an extra folder where users can find all possible mixed fx.
If I duplicate the text layer that has "ReflectionMap_Additive.fx" and I set in the duplicated layer the fx to "ReflectiveFloor_ReflectionMap.fx" it is also a kind of combination, but it doesn't look so good.
I think my graphics card would do both effects together.
John (ProComGer), 11 years ago
An effect (shader or FX) is a little app that runs on your graphics card.
You can't automatically mix apps.
How would you for example mix Photoshop with BluffTitler?
I have a few ideas, but it's impossible to do this automatically. And if it was, I'm sure it's not the result I was expecting beause there are always many ways to mix 2 apps.
For the same reason you can't mix effects.
michiel, 11 years ago
What you can do with filter effects (effects that only affect the texture) is to use the output of the 1st effect as the input for the 2nd.
To use the same example as in my previous comment, this would be like postprocessing a picture generated by BluffTitler in Photoshop.
You can do this in BluffTitler by applying the 1st effect to the picture layer and the 2nd to the camera layer. Limit yourself to effects from the BLUFFTITLER / MEDIA / EFFECTS / FILTERS folder.
Now swap the effects. You will see that the result is different. So the order is important!!! This is a simple example that proofs why you can't automatically mix effects.
michiel, 11 years ago
THANKS, Michiel.
I found a comment from "frame":
He wrote: "[...] To create your own effect, you should merge two effects that you want. (for o[p]en and merge you can use notepad) [...]".
Is this possible?
I would like the texture effect "ReflectionMap_Additive.fx" with a gradient reflection like ""ReflectiveFloor_GradientReflection.fx".
Is it possible to combine both or not?
If you say, that would be like combining two apps, I think it must be possible to create a new app that includes both effects?
Sorry, if I am wrong.
I'm not so sure about programming those effects.
John (ProComGer), 11 years ago
I have attached a new effect to this article. Press the DOWNLOAD MEDIA FILES button at the top of this page to download it.
Maybe this is what you are looking for.
michiel, 11 years ago
Thank you, Michiel!
Really great and helpful.
John (ProComGer), 11 years ago