lifechip | 11 years ago | 6 comments | 1.8K views
Hi, Can anyone please tell me how to slow down the scrolling text as it descends the waterfall, I have tried all of the items in the Tool Bar.
Also I am having trouble replacing photos over an existing sample, anyone help here, thanks
Thanks Michael
lifechip, 11 years ago
Hi Michael. I have tried your suggestions to slow down scrolling, but I can only find 2 markers, one at each end, so I am unable to "stretch" them as suggested, thanks
lifechip, 11 years ago
You can move the markers (the keyframes or simply "keys") by clicking and dragging them with your mouse.
If there's no place you can add time to the end or beginning by choosing FILE > SET SHOW DURATION...
michiel, 11 years ago