NextPreviousHomePlease add these features to Bixelangelo.

SamSaam | 11 years ago | 3 comments | 1.7K views

Now In tree editor there are 6 tabs:
Gen1 ... Gen5 Leaves
Please add Gen1...GenN Leaves Flowers AnotherTree

Gen1...GenN: Please remove the Limitation of 5 Gens.

Flowers: Just Like Leaves

Another tree: this will increase the tree wit more dynamic elements.

Now the flowers are at the last position, Can you add a system for putting them in another places too with more than one flower.

Easy exporting all the Forest to vector and bitmap.

Import Colored Vectors with holes, in all parts of editors.

thank you

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Manual Drawing with Mouse, Inside the Sterilized Area.

SamSaam, 11 years ago

Now The Fertile and Sterilized Area for All 5 trees in the forest is the same.
Please make an option to add for each tree Tabs.

SamSaam, 11 years ago

Thank you SamSaam,for your requests!

michiel, 11 years ago

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