NextPreviousHomeComposite Bluff Titles

agdezee | 11 years ago | 5 comments | 2.0K views

How do you composite Bluff titles in Sony Vegas 11.0? I have tried Exporting as Movie, AVI with Transparency. I can't get it to work.

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Have a look at this thread, it might help.

pool, 11 years ago


My advice :

1) render layer per layer from BT with transparency
2) put each rendered layer on different track in Vegas
3) for each event rendered out from BT you HAVE TO use command SET ALPHA CHANNEL because by default Vegas do not use ALPHA defined in event, effect is that event is not transparent
4) apply composition modes or effects track per track - you can achieve perfect and realistic composition,

best regards

RRA, 11 years ago

... can't remember now, command SET ALPHA comes from Vegas itself or is a script (I'm using button added to toolbar) - but you still can right click on event for EVENT PROPERTIES and there you can set alpha.

... use max antialiasing during rendering in BT in order to avoid jagged lines in Vegas (some FX can help (like from NewBlue Vide Essential III : edge smoother - but generally you have to it dane before Vegas)

... I'm matching size of frame to the size of Vegas project frame, but sometimes it's better to use oversized project in BT.

best regards,

RRA, 11 years ago

First thing you have to check is the alpha channel of the exported video.

Easiest way to do that is to import this video back into BluffTitler by creating a video layer.

michiel, 11 years ago

If for whatever reason you still cannot get your alpha channel .avi footage to work in Vegas, you can also do your titles in Bluff against a color background and then do a Chromakey in Vegas. However, it's always preferable to try the alpha channel method first.

jeffo, 11 years ago

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