NextPreviousHomesparkles only shine when hit by light

mrbernd | 11 years ago | 5 comments | 2.5K views


how do i realize this with BT,

anybody an idea

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This looks like upside down snow :)

-press the ADD PARTICLE LAYER button and select the SNOW preset
-set the GRAVITY to (0,30,0)
-set the LAUNCH POSITION to (0,-120,300)
-set the LAUNCH DIRECTION to (0,90,0)

I think the templates on the shutterstock look pretty dull. When playing around with the particle layer in BluffTitler you can create much more exciting effects. Have fun experimenting!

michiel, 11 years ago

how do i reduce the speed of the sparkles. my particles are allways to fast.

mrbernd, 11 years ago

Use a smaller GRAVITY.

or a smaller LAUNCH SPEED.

michiel, 11 years ago

last question. :-)
what to do, to make the particles blinking?

mrbernd, 11 years ago

Apply the flare effect and use the FX FLICKER PERIOD property:

michiel, 11 years ago

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