to BT

RonO | 11 years ago | 3 comments | 2.3K views

Trying to figure out "". Layer 4 has an attached layer, labeled "text:Bluff Titler" which is layer five.

Can someone explain how that layer is added.


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I assume you refer to the following show that comes with the installer:

You can attach a border to a text layer by pressing the ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER... button.

If you prefer menu items, you can choose LAYER > ATTACH LAYER > ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER...

michiel, 11 years ago

The border (bevel) is rendered by the attached (child) layer. So if you want to change a property of the border you have to select this layer first.

For example if you want to change the border colour, change the COLOUR property of the attached layer.

And you can set the size and shape of the border with the BEVEL property of the parent layer.

michiel, 11 years ago


Thanks for the info. that did the trick !


RonO, 11 years ago

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