JimH | 12 years ago | 10 comments | 4.4K views
I have an image of a logo graphic that I want to give a 3D look. I created a bumpmap in photoshop that I thought I could use to define the 3D shape. I've been experimenting with the FX colormap/bumpmap but cannot achieve what I'm after. I know there's a simple way to do this but I sure can't figure it out. Any examples of what FXs and settings I need to be using? I Think I've been able to get a 3D texture applied to text, but not this color graphic. Thanks.
Yes, creating a good bumpmap is difficult. And putting it to good use even more difficult.
When using the multitexture\ColourMap_BumpMap.fx effect you have to place the colourmap in the 1st texture slot and the bumpmap in the 2nd. The installer comes with examples you can us to experiment:
colourmap: bumpmap_rock_colourmap.png
bumpmap: bumpmap_rock.png
And don't forget to play around with the SPECULARITY property to highlight the bumps.
michiel, 12 years ago
Hmmm, I tried the Volume_Extrude2DPicture.fx and was able to create an extruded version of my PNG image. However, the surface of the object is still flat. I'm not sure what the 2nd texture layer in this effect does but I can't seem to make use of the texturemap I created to give the surface any shape.
I also played with all of the possible arrangements of textures in the multitexture fx/colourmap_bumpmap FX with no success. :(
I've attached my BT file with media. Can anyone take a look? Thanks.
JimH, 12 years ago
An effect wich really emboss the surface would be great. for example height/altitude could be a function of the gray value based on a grayscale pic in 2nd texture slot.
vincent, 12 years ago
The Volume_Extrude2DPicture effect ignores the 2nd texture.
Maybe you can use NVIDIA's tool to create a bumpmap for your logo. A normalmap is another name for a bumpmap:
michiel, 12 years ago
A little like in this example, but sometimes i had some unexpected results with some pics.
vincent, 12 years ago
I think that using an EPS file colourmap_bumpmap looks good.
leave a sample here
maitegras, 12 years ago
OK, looking at Maitegras file (thank you) I see I needed to start with an EPS layer. Yes, this is the effect I was trying for with the two image files I created. It would be nice to achieve a more pronounced 3d effect, the it's a start. Playing with the specularity does not give much more relief.
Would I be better off trying the example Vincent posted?
JimH, 12 years ago
always good to try several options.
I also advise you to try the system vincent
after you choose, which you like best
maitegras, 12 years ago