jameswall007 | 12 years ago | 3 comments | 2.2K views

Can anyone help me create GEL style text. The round bevel will not do it as the bevel is too small. I would like to post a sample jpeg but don't know how.

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You can make the bevel bigger with the BEVEL property.

And a picture can be added by pasting its URL in the LINK field of the Post a new article page.


michiel, 12 years ago

The bevel property will not allow me the make the bevel big enough. I would like a full round face on the text. See the sample in the link.


jameswall007, 12 years ago

Try using:
-the font Arial Rounded MT Bold
-the style ROUND BEVEL (3rd dropdown below the textbox)
-a bevel setting of (3,30,0)

-make the text red: set the COLOUR property to (255,0,0)
-set the SPECULARITY property to 0.9
-select the PHONG effect (press the CHANGE EFFECT... button)

Play around with the light position by:
-setting the POSITION property of the point light layer to (-140,100,80)

michiel, 12 years ago

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