NextPreviousHomeHow To Fly A Text String Along A Curved Path Through Space

Bob W. | 12 years ago | 3 comments | 2.5K views

I am trying to figure out a way to create a text string flying a curvy path through space and then landing below my logo. I want the text to start out with all letters rotated 180-degrees, i.e., like you would be viewing it from behind. Then, as it curves in under my logo, the text string would fly a wide loop and land under my logo so that all text is readadble from left to right. Can this effect be done with BT?

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I would draw my curvy path in Bixelangelo, import this path (an EPS file) into BluffTitler as a sketch layer and attach a text layer to it.

Take a look at this demo show that comes with the installer:

sketch effects \

michiel, 12 years ago

Or maybe you are looking for this:

michiel, 12 years ago

Thanks Michiel. I will try the trial version of Bixelangelo and see if that will allow me to accomplish my desired effect.

Bob W., 12 years ago

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