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IBMedia | 12 years ago | 4 comments | 2.8K views

I'm using the "Insert Time" button and wishing to have the time insetred ONLY into the active layer, so I hold the ALT key to get the time inserted into the active layer - that works OK.

BUT ... when I do this, the active layer keys are moved correctly, but the time is ALSO being added to the show, so the show duration is increasing.

Maybe that is how it is designed to work, but I had expected that the show duration would remain unaltered and only the active layer would be affected.

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How can you insert time into one layer and not affect the entire show?? Just wondering.

Dick, 12 years ago

If the show duration is not increased there's a chance that keys at the end of the active layer are moved beyond the end of the show and in this way being deleted.

You can remove time from the end of the show by pressing the SET SHOW DURATION... button.

michiel, 12 years ago

OK, so it is the intended to work that way.

I understand your point, Michiel, about losing key values, and guessed that that was the reason for the show extension, but I would have thought that by using the "active layer" selection, you would be intending to move all the keys in the "active layer" timewise witin the existing show parameters just to adjust their time positions - at least that's the only way I ever use it.

I was already resetting my show duration back to my original duration after the inserts, but thanks for taking the time to make the suggestion.

IBMedia, 12 years ago


I already have the show duration set to 2minutes and 40seconds, and I have a container (with enclosed layers) which is being "cloned", and then I'm using the "insert time" to move it and all keys to the required time position.

The show is already fixed at 2minues 40seconds as that is the duration of the audio track, so I don't want the show to extend beyond 2minutes 40 seconds.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

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