NextPreviousHomeGreen screen talent

bbailey | 12 years ago | 3 comments | 1 like | 2.2K views

pinartes likes this!

I just purchased Bix Pak 1 for virtual sets. I can see how to go to the talent picture and change it for another but I can't figure out the best method for applying a video of the talent instead. Can you run me thru the process? I'm assuming my video would have to be shot with alpha content as an avi file?

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Changing pictures is as easy as choosing EDIT > CHANGE ALL TEXTURES...

"Texture" is the computer graphics term for a picture, photo, image, video or other bitmap that is pasted onto a 3D model.

This page explains it all:

michiel, 12 years ago

Yes you can use pictures and videos with an alpha channel.

Another option is to use the greenscreen effect. With this method you do not need an alpha channel:

michiel, 12 years ago

Thanks...I was sure you had everything I'd need to do this even before I bought the BIXPaks.

bbailey, 12 years ago

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