dgk | 12 years ago | 6 comments | 2.5K views
I tried to record(export) the movie in uncompressed, and then compressed, avi, but the audio is not totally syncronized with the video....I then tried to record(export) the movie without audio at 1.1 time frame, with either uncompressed or compressed avi, and now the video jerks when I try to put it with the audio in Sony Vegas pro.....Please advise, thanks...
The fact that the video jerks in Vegas does not mean that the video file, DVD or Blu-ray it produces jerks as well.
For maximum quality it's best to do all your editing with uncompressed files and to postpone compression until the very end. Yes this requires lots of memory and diskspace.
michiel, 12 years ago
Sorry, I should have said that the jerkiness plays in Windows media...when the bt video is done, and put in Sony, you can see the audio longer in the timeline than the video...and the same with Magix 17 or Pinnacle 14. I have got the jerkiness fixed, but the audio is always longer...strange.
dgk, 12 years ago
Indeed very strange. When you send your audio file to info@outerspace-software.com we will take a look at it.
michiel, 12 years ago
Thanks...should I just sent in an mp3 audio file of it?
dgk, 12 years ago
Yes. If we can't reproduce the problem it's very difficult to fix it.
In the meantime I advise you to use your NLE to add sound.
michiel, 12 years ago
Maybe your graphics hardware is not up to the task.
Choose Hardware AA as the antialiasing quality in the FILE > EXPORT AS MOVIE... dialog and the video always looks exactly the same as when editing.
michiel, 12 years ago