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terrypin | 13 years ago | 18 comments | 2.7K views

I've been struggling with this for several hours but largely unsuccessfully.

I have a picture of a Scrabble game set up as shown. I want the letters in the rack to fly at random so that they finish up making the word CELEBRATE on the top line.

I'd greatly appreciate hearing how the experts would set about it please.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

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Maybe this font can help:

michiel, 13 years ago

Or this show:

michiel, 13 years ago

Thanks Michiel.

Terry, UK

terrypin, 13 years ago

Where did you get the board from Terry?

IBMedia, 13 years ago

A program called Scrabulizer. Then entered all the words manually. Happily it didn't care that I was using more letters than actually exist ;-)

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

Michiel: Scrabble Tiles is a video, not a Show! Is the show accessible anywhere else?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

Well it looks like you don't have the correct letters to spell celebrate. If you did, you could have your first keyframe set up as you have them, then set your last keyframe with each letter positioned to spell your word. Then in the middle, move each letter to a random place above the board and rotate them in various ways. Then use one of the splines to animate them. This will work if each letter is a separate layer.

JimH, 12 years ago

one more thing, you should stagger the middle keyframes so they're not all at the same place.

JimH, 12 years ago

"Well it looks like you don't have the correct letters to spell celebrate."

You must have missed this possible Bingo placement!

I've basically been trying your suggested approach. One practical problem is how to keep the pieces looking as realistic as possible. I've abandoned using text therefore, because even with special 'Scrabble' fonts the results are unsatisfactory. So I'm now trying to use individual letter images.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

Oh, I now see your "C" and "B" on the board already. Yeah, a bitmap image of the letters extruded and bevelled might work.

JimH, 12 years ago

Here's a tutorial about how to create Scrabble Tiles in Photoshop. That might help you make realistic tiles.

I'm planning to try it myself in the next few days.

IBMedia, 12 years ago

I'm currently working with flat images (with just a hint of their 3D nature) and making slow but steady progress. At a later stage I might try the more ambitious approach with 3D pieces, and 3D animation.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

I would make the scrabble tiles solid by combining the INVERTED style with the SOLID style (3rd dropdown below the textbox):
-create a new text layer
-press the ATTACH BORDER TO ACTIVE LAYER button and select a preset (it doesn't matter which one)
-now set one of the text layers to INVERTED and the other to SOLID

Make sure to remove all textures and effects that come with the preset (in the F9 dialog).

The trick works great with this font:

michiel, 12 years ago

Thanks Michiel, I'll try that soon.

Meanwhile here's my first result.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

We can't see your video because it is "private"

michiel, 12 years ago

Sorry, now changed it to Unlisted which is what I'd intended.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

Here's how to create solid tiles:

michiel, 12 years ago

See my reply in your article 'Scrabble'.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

terrypin, 12 years ago

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