jmarkt | 12 years ago | 4 comments | 2.6K views
I'm wanting to relocate all my FX effects into one folder, X models into another, etc; however, this is causing havoc with current Bt shows when I open them. Is there a "best" way to accomplish this??
I prefer to store my FX in the Effects folder next to the .BT show file. And the models in the Models folder.
But you don't have to place them in subfolders. BluffTitler has no trouble finding them when you place them next to the .BT show file (in the same folder)
Another option is to place them in the Media/Effects and Media/Models folders next to the BluffTitler executable (between the ones that come with the installer)
Or you could create a folder on your harddisk where you store all your media files and let all your applications point to this.
I don't think there's a best way. You have to find out what works best for you.
michiel, 12 years ago
Thanks, Michiel, for the input. I guess I should have asked the question differently - is there an easy way to move the various files without going through the pains of BT then saying, "Could not open Lightened.fx", "Bix.x", etc.
I've put all FX files in one folder, but any previously made BT show I try to open cannot locate those FX files?? Is there a better way to go about this? Can I get older shows, as you said, to "point to" the new location to find the necessary FX files, models, et al???
jmarkt, 12 years ago
When you place your files in the subfolders of the Media folder next to the BluffTitler executable, BluffTitler will have no trouble finding them:
This is the place where all the files are stored that come with the installer.
michiel, 12 years ago
Worked! (of course) Thanks, Michiel...saved a lot of effort!
jmarkt, 12 years ago
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