terrypin | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 2.2K views
How do I change the texture that is shown in the reflecting surface of this show please? At present it looks like Amsterdam.jpg. Changing the texture of that layer doesn't seem to work.
C:\Outerspace Software\BluffTitler\Media\Shows\Text Effects\SilverBorder.bt
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
The text is built out of 2 layers: layer 4 and layer 5 (the border)
You can select a layer (making it the active layer) with the dropdown list above the PLAY button.
You can change the picture of the active layer by pressing the CHANGE TEXTURE... button.
The border of the text (layer 5) uses a DDS cubemap created with Bixorama:
michiel, 13 years ago
Thanks. It was that last point about 'a DDS cubemap' that was obviously obscure, i.e. impossible to know from playing the show.
That raises a general question: given the name of a show, e.g. Simpletext.bt, how can I find the article in which it is described in the gallery? A search on that string produced various apparently irrelevant 'hits'.
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
terrypin, 13 years ago
Not every show that comes with the installer has a corresponding gallery article.
DDS cubemaps look spectacular but you need expensive hardware to shoot them. Here's an article that shows how you can use ordinary photos to create the illusion of reflections:
michiel, 13 years ago