terrypin | 13 years ago | 6 comments | 2.5K views
Novice here keen to learn...
Hope I'm in the right place? Although the title 'Gallery' doesn't sound right to me, but under Support I see "If possible please post your questions to the online gallery."
Maybe I'm not looking in the right place, but apart from the very trivial 'Getting started' example, I've not so far found a basic tutorial.
I need a few step-by-step examples, not a list of features and menus, as I don't yet understand what ORDER I should perform the various operations.
For example, with my text 'Example Title' chosen:
1. How do I get it to a colour other than shades of grey?
2. How do I animate it so that it brightens or darkens?
3. How do I animate it so that it appears to have a light source illuminate it quickly from say left to right?
4. How do I animate it so that it appears to have a shower of say sparks briefly surround it?
I learn much faster by example, so hope some of the experts can get me started please.
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
When you know how to animate one property you know how to animate them all.
Colour is a property.
You can select the colour property with the dropdown above the 3 sliders.
This page explains how to animate the position property. Animating the colour property works exactly the same:
michiel, 13 years ago
OK, 5 minutes on and I now see that drop-down list, so I can now answer Q1 about changing colour!
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
terrypin, 13 years ago
Brighten or darken a text can be done by animating the colour property to a brighter or darker colour.
michiel, 13 years ago
You can animate the light source position by animating the position property of the light layer.
Animating the position property of the light layer works exactly the same as animating the colour property of the text layer.
You can select the light layer with the dropdown above the PLAY button:
michiel, 13 years ago
Shower of sparks can be created with the particle layer.
Press the ATTACH PARTICLES TO ACTIVE LAYER... button to attach particles to the active layer.
More info about the particles layer can be found in the user guide:
michiel, 13 years ago
Thanks Michiel, I'm making steady progress!
Terry, East Grinstead, UK
terrypin, 13 years ago