NextPreviousHomeStuff that disappears

Per | 13 years ago | 5 comments | 2.1K views

If I place and object or text or something and either move it away from the camera or move the camera away - there comes a point where it just disappears - just poof its gone, going a little closer again brings it back.

Why is that and how do i prevent the sudden disappearance?

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This is called the far clipping plane. It is the result of the limited range of the z-buffer of your graphics card.

Workaround is easy: make your world smaller.

michiel, 13 years ago

That's not easy, but very time consuming.

But you are saying its a hardware limitation? Does that mean another graphics card might do better?

Which hardware specs should one look for?

Per, 13 years ago

It's a compomise between range and precision. It would be very strange if a show played on another computer would show details that are behind the far clipping plane on less powerful graphics cards.

For this reason BluffTitler uses extra power to increase the precision, not the range.

To answer your question: yes more powerful graphics cards do better. Not on range, but on on precision.

Remember that a big object placed very far from the camera looks the same as a small object placed very near. This is what I mean with making your world smaller.

michiel, 13 years ago

Well, it won't be playing on any other computer than mine. Perhaps a registry setting could allow an override?

Per, 13 years ago

Btw, another thing that would be immensely handy as a function to scale the entire show down (or up) - ie all the objects in one go.

Per, 13 years ago

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