Per | 13 years ago | 3 comments | 2.6K views
I'm curious, when people export with transparency, what codecs do you use?
I guess often we use the output as a component rather than the finished output, and as such its important that we don't lose generations.
Or do people not care about that? :)
Wow, you aren't kidding. I'm using Huffy, which is fine as long as programs support it. And of course there are avi size limits.
What about non lossy codecs, is that field larger?
Per, 13 years ago
Aha, I just notice there is a fork of Huffy which is called "Lagarith" - it offers better compression, so might be slower, but also support for more than 1 core so might be faster.
Don't know how it works for this, but going to try it later :)
Per, 13 years ago