Carlos Marques | 13 years ago | 5 comments | 3.0K views

hi michiel

was wondering if it is possible to add various effects fx in the same layer? :)
would be nice for future versions

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To bend layers & add reflective floor, or additive fx.... for exemple.

sebouze, 13 years ago

Yes that would be nice, but merging effects is technically and conceptually impossible. Just like you can't merge executables.

Technically because graphics hardware does not allow it. Also FXs have many limitations. You can't add unlimited features.

It is also conceptually impossible because features can conflict. How would you, for example merge an effect that turns the z-buffer on with one that turns the z-buffer off? It's impossible to turn it half on, just like you can't be half-pregnant :)

Here's a discussion about mixing effects:

michiel, 13 years ago

I imagine all the problems it can generate to add many effects to one layer. But in a way that's what we do when we add a "reflectivefloor-reflexionmap- additive" fx...

May be it's possible to create effetc with more parameters.
For example adding the bending fx parameters to a "reflectivefloor-reflexionmap- additive" fx, and create a "bender-reflectivefloor-reflexionmap- additive"fx.

I tried to understand the Nvidia & ATI fx creators, and I don't think it's possible to create such effects with those program.
Is there a good article to read that could make us understand how the .Fx text file works?

sebouze, 13 years ago

Maybe it's more practical to call it sebouze.fx :)

Please understand that creating FXs is not meant to be easy. You have to be a software engineer, know your vector math, 3D rendering and DirectX.

michiel, 13 years ago

LOL!!!! It would be great to have an effect with my name.

I do understand that it's not easy at all.... and realy difficult with my poor english level!!! ;-)

sebouze, 13 years ago

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